Counseling on The Prevention of Domestic Violence in Sungai Telang Village, Muaro Bungo, Jambi



Domestic violence in Law Number 23 of 2004 states: "Any action against a person, especially women, which results in physical, sexual, psychological misery or suffering, and/or neglect of the household including threats to commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of liberty within the household sphere. There are four types of domestic violence, namely physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, and neglect of the household.

Based on data from the Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children, which is abbreviated as SIMPONI PPPA, the Ministry of Protection Women and Children recorded 1,411 cases of violence against women occurring from 1 January 2022 to 21 February 2022. Based on data collected from Komnas Perempuan service agencies/data collection forms, there were 8,234 cases, the most prominent types of violence against women were in the private or private sphere, namely domestic violence and personal relations, namely 79% (6,480 cases). Among them there is violence against wives (KTI) which ranks first with 3,221 cases (49%), followed by violence in courtship with 1,309 cases (20%) which ranks second. The third position is violence against girls in 954 cases (14%), the rest is violence by ex-husbands, ex-boyfriends, and violence against domestic workers. The next violence against women was in the community/public domain by 21% (1,731 cases) with the most prominent cases being sexual violence 62 cases (55%) consisting of sexual abuse (166 cases), rape (229 cases), sexual harassment ( 181 cases), sexual intercourse in 5 cases, and the rest were attempted rape and other sexual violence. Realizing this vulnerability, the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program conducts community service activities in the form of Counseling on the Prevention of Domestic Violence.

Factors of Domestic Violence and Prevention Efforts

Factors in the occurrence of violence against women in the household, especially those perpetrated by husbands against wives, namely: the existence of an unequal power relationship between husband and wife, economic dependence, violence as a tool for resolving conflict, competition, frustration, and fewer opportunities for women in legal proceedings. Domestic violence is a behavior that has a very complex impact on women victims of domestic violence. As explained in the previous section, that there are several forms of violence, such as physical, sexual, psychological, and economic violence. This act of violence has a psychological impact on women victims of domestic violence, for example victims feel anxious, scared, depressed, always on alert, constantly imagining seeing similar cases, often daydreaming, moody, crying easily, difficulty sleeping, and having nightmares. Victims lose the confidence to act because they feel powerless, lose interest in taking care of themselves so that the pattern of life they live is irregular, and lose the courage to think and act.

Various efforts have been made to prevent domestic violence. Among the provision of counseling about domestic violence. The government has a positive legal product in the form of a domestic violence abolition law which can be disseminated to the aus community so that people can better understand the impact and avoid domestic violence. Apart from that, by practicing religious teachings, all religions have good goals, there is not a single religion that teaches violence, so when religion becomes the foundation in a family, domestic violence will be avoided. Communication within the family must be built properly every day, which can be started with trivial things such as saying goodbye, in good communication, there is openness to each other which causes a sense of mutual understanding and mutual trust to emerge which can become the foundation for solving problems. As well as education. From an early age, children are taught not to hit, not to say harshly, to and to deal with anger. Education from an early age is expected to shape the character of children who will be carried and applied to adulthood

This community service is carried out by providing counseling on the Prevention of Domestic Violence in Sungai Telang Village, Batin III Ulu District. Muaro Bungo Regency by carrying out three stages of alternative problem-solving activities, namely the production of educational materials, the implementation of education, and the evaluation of activities.

Education on Domestic Violence Prevention

The implementation of counseling activities is carried out directly at the Bunga Telang village office. The activity begins with the equalization of perceptions about gender, domestic violence, and child protection. Counseling by presenters, and evaluation of counseling through question and answer activities.

The activity begins with unifying perceptions about the meaning of Domestic Violence and child protection. The instructor delivered the material using the lecture method followed by questions and answers. The instructor conveyed the meaning of Domestic Violence according to the psychological concept, its dangers to family integrity and child development, then the legal perspective on threats to perpetrators of Domestic Violence. The material presented received a positive response from participants who were village officials and members of the village community. At the time of debriefing, the problems that surfaced were what was the reporting process, if domestic violence was happening around us and what efforts could be made by village officials in accordance with the law if it did not involve parties outside the village. This question and the answer were finally closed with recommendations for follow-up plans to carry out similar activities in the future. The activity received a good response from village officials and the community. Counseling has been able to increase the target group's knowledge about Gender, Domestic Violence, and child protection

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