Sharpening the Social Spirit of the Children in the Orphanage



Caring for orphans in meeting their physical, psychological, and spiritual needs is a commandment of the Qur'an (Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 220) because they are brothers to other believers. So a brother must help other brothers. Everyone who cares for orphans with love will get the grace of Allah SWT and the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Orphans in Indonesia generally when their parents are gone, either due to death or inadequate economic factors, they will be placed in an orphanage.

The social spirit of orphanage children is very important to be developed because it greatly affects the growth process of children, especially teenagers. The development of the social soul in adolescents is one aspect that strongly supports children's development, especially social development. This is because they will begin to interact with other people, and begin to understand the nature of others, and how one's attitude towards others.

At the Orphanage, to hone the social spirit of the children, the manager gave directions to respect and obey their parents and also obey all the rules in the orphanage. Sharpening the social soul of children can be started by the manager through good examples to children. By providing advice and activities that provide benefits, so that children can imitate and follow what the manager is doing to them in a better direction.

Role of the manager in honing It is important to know the social soul of children, as well as the factors that influence managers in honing the social life of children in the Orphanage. This is a problem that will be discussed in this article to know the role of caregivers in molding the social spirit of children and the supporting and inhibiting factors at the Taman Bina Insany Orphanage, Jambi City.

Sharpening Children's Social Soul by Example

The honest behavior that has been implemented in the orphanage has been conveyed verbally and non-verbally by the manager. However, there are several reasons why these children are forced to be dishonest on several occasions. As stated by Masnah's mother as the manager, “While at the orphanage, none of the children dared to lie. Usually, they lie that it is related to an event or business outside the orphanage and lie to borrow cellphones to do school work, they know they are playing games because Here, they can only play cellphones on Sundays. Children are dishonest because they are afraid of being scolded by their mother and afraid of being punished ”.

disciplinary behavior applied by the orphanage manager has been written in the rules and schedule of the daily activities of the orphanage made by the manager. The manager gives a direct example of implementing disciplinary behavior in the orphanage, but the manager also gives tolerance for foster children to be disciplined. Mrs. Masnah said, “In honing the social spirit of children, the manager instills disciplined behavior because if you do not instill disciplined behavior, you will not be afraid of being attached to a child. Managers guide and nurture children by approaching and paying attention to them. Give advice and reprimand so that they don't feel like strangers in this orphanage. Because some children can not be guided by violence, each child has a different personality. What is given to children is moral guidance for children, religious guidance, guidance in general knowledge, and guidance in forming a good personal attitude. These four guidelines are so that they can recognize themselves and others because they live in an institution, different from children in general who live with their parents.

The attitude of responsibility applied in the orphanage has been conveyed by the manager through the delivery of materials and also by giving examples directly to the children. One of the responsibilities given to children in the orphanage is picket assignments which are carried out every day, picket assignments made by the manager are divided into groups and each group is divided into three to four people. Foster children carry out picket duties according to what has been given to them. They perform picket duties either with self-awareness or in advance. Messiah’s mother said, “All the children in No one are irresponsible here, everyone is responsible.”

Polite and polite behavior applied in the orphanage is carried out verbally and non-verbally by the manager. According to the manager, foster children already have previous polite behavior that has been taught by people’s parents or guardians before entering the orphanage. Managers shape children's positive social behavior by providing materials on morals and also providing direct examples to them. Mrs. Masnah said, "Their polite behavior depends on them being able to catch what they see, if they look at it here they always try to be nice, Here we always advise them to behave politely both with the older and with the younger ".

The gotong-royong attitude applied in the orphanage is more likely to be conveyed by the manager directly. The manager gives a direct example of cleaning the orphanage area as well as inviting foster children to do the same. The children's cooperation behavior can also be seen through their daily picket activities which are carried out with three to four people. In the picketing activity, the children cooperate in cleaning the orphanage area which is their job by grouping them with their respective tasks, such as sweeping, mopping, cleaning trash, and others. These picket activities make children have two positive social behaviors such as cooperation and responsibility. Based on the results of observations and interviews that researchers have done, it can be said that the orphanage children already have good cooperation and responsible social behavior.

Social Relations Manager

Social relations between managers and orphans as well as cooperative relationships with other parties are supporting factors in honing the social spirit of orphans. In the observations of the researchers, the orphanage children and the manager seemed to have a harmonious relationship, every service process through coaching and daily life at the Orphanage. Caregivers or coaches and managers provide services through friendly, caring, and disciplined coaching. In addition, the cooperative relationship between the Taman Bina Insany Orphanage in Jambi City and students who help provide short lessons through donations or donations to the orphanage or sometimes tutoring and skills. Mrs. Masnah said, "Orphans here are also sent to school, so we as administrators strive for everything that children need for their educational needs from education costs, uniforms, textbooks, pocket money to additional tutoring services if there are foster children who do not understand in subject matter".

Collaboration with other parties is an activity to form community awareness of children who need a helping hand. The driving factor in sharpening The social life of children in the Orphanage cannot be separated from the support of the administrators and donors. Because there is motivation or because there is a will from the child that makes the coaches happy, o that the coach feels he can carry out his duties as well as gets a reward for wanting to help or guide the child to be better.

Hone the social spirit of the orphanage children, the manager also experiences obstacles, such as: first, the obedience of the foster children to the regulations is only due to fear of the sanctions given. Second, the different circumstances of foster children require a long time to adapt to the orphanage environment. However, the manager needs support from the orphanage children and the surrounding community so that they can guide the orphanage well and not have obstacles. At least the manager can produce a generation that can raise the spirit of his future which is more important and can protect himself from promiscuity in the outside world which will hurt them.

Sharpening the Social Spirit of the Orphanage

Managers in shaping the social behavior of children at the Taman Bina Insan in Jambi City, starting from education, giving attention and affection, as well as providing motivation and enthusiasm. These three activities have been able to hone a child's social spirit. Supporting factors in sharpening the social soul of the child, namely the strong relationship between the manager and the child. The existence of cooperative relationships with other parties such as students, the surrounding community, and also assistance from the company. While the inhibiting factors, it was found that some children were not disciplined, lacked the number of caregivers, and lacked children 's awareness of the objects or assets they had.


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