
Terpelajar or Educated is a portal published by the alumni of the Faculty of Dakwah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The name of the community is Siar Terpelajar and is devoted to the publication of research results, book reviews and scientific works and community service reports. The works in Siar Terpelajar Community are a collaboration of alumni, lecturers and students Faculty of Dakwah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Sumatra. The core business of this collaboration is intended to expand quality research and scientific works in the social, economic, law, cultural and humanities, Malay world and religious fields, as well as to expand the practice of social services considered good practice. This portal is the estuary of higher education in Indonesia, including education and teaching, research and community service.

Editor in Chief: Bujangdek


Syahrul Marda
Uci Arianti

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