Virtual Communication Learning in The Pandemic Era



At the beginning of 2020, the global community was shocked by the COVID-19 plague that killed many people in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Many countries directly take action against the virus’s spread, including the Indonesian government. On March 2, 2020, government officials announced close-track flights from Indonesia to several countries such as China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran. Closing schools and colleges, including many office governments and private companies, up to close center entertainment, Social Distancing, and tighter Health protocols.

The government also pays attention to the education process. policy government closes schools, which naturally influences the spirit to learn and motivates students. So from that, Government with Spry take a step on how students permanently study though, from home, virtual communication is the answer with increasing technology. A policy that applies to all educational institutions in Indonesia, including cottage-required boarding schools, follows procedures that have been agreed upon. Leader cottage Islamic boarding schools must repatriate students to their respective homes to obey the government's policy to cut off eye chain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Throughout history development education, and technology information has Become part of the media used for sending and receiving data. Progress technology information always plays a big role and contributes to the development of the world of education during the pandemic. Reason main learning distance is far known as learning virtual communication; the problem observed during this is a lack of interaction between students and teachers. However, online media makes communication between students and teachers possible in real-time and offline. Along with the running learning application and virtual communication in the boarding school, various forms of communication in learning are important. Besides there will, the advantages and disadvantages are also highlighted.

Variation Virtual Communication in Learning at Pondok Pesantren

Pondok Pesantren is an Islamic education with boarding facilities, that gives guidance and teaches religious sciences, which are important in creating Islamic generations. At first, the traditional institution developed to function as an institution's social and broadcast religion. Its real growth and contribution are alluring the Public to study religious knowledge through boarding school, making cottage Islamic boarding school an institution of continuing education. Along with changing social and time development, functional boarding school walk with dynamic, changing, and growing to follow the dynamics of social and needs society. Santri is a student who studies religious sciences in boarding schools and stays in the hut boarding school. Usually, Islamic boarding schools have a system that remains in the dormitory during the study process, with activity more learning strictly from institutional education ordinary. Tied with disciplined rules, served with myriad activities beneficial to others.

The pandemic makes they must feel study activities from home, using learning media with various available platforms. System learning virtual communication is system learning without meeting stare advanced by direct between teachers and students but conducted online that uses an internet network. The teacher must ensure activity study teaches permanent walking, though Students are in their respective homes. 

Understanding communication as virtual reality in space, the scope of the virtual world assisted with media and technology that are sustainable with the use of the internet. Virtual communication can convey messages sent via the internet or cyberspace. Virtual communication can be accessed to make it easy to work and interact with others worldwide. Media used in virtual learning at the cottage Islamic boarding school adapt from the teacher concerned through various online media applications, such as Whatsapp, Zoom Meeting, and Google Meet. With the features of Call, chat, and group video calls.

Virtual Communication: Pros and Cons

Virtual communication has two end eye spears: advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of virtual communication: firstly, communication can be conducted wherever and whenever. With learning virtual communication, every user could carry out the learning process teaching. Second, virtual communication is efficient in cost, different from learning conventional learning virtual communication no need for meetings or face-to-face, learning virtual communication, of course, could save cost on transportation. Third, virtual communication is also efficient in time, where the learning process teaches could be conducted fast without wasting time starting to discuss teaching materials. Fourth, integrated with the Technology Other Information and Communication (ICT) lesson in progress, participant education could utilize platforms other for support implementation and completeness of learning. (5) Boost intensity of communication, learning virtual communication encourages people who are usually silent in the real world Become active moment in communication virtually. (6) Boost participation. With open-track communication, many people can participate in the discussions because virtual learning can also do talks with many people.

Whereas deficiency in virtual communication: Not representing emotion from the user, I mean intonation talk, look face, and movement body is relatively difficult to understand through learning this virtual communication; Need a special device for implementation learning what we can be certain of is need hardware and software that support the learning process teaching; Lastly, confiscating concentrate and learning through virtual communication will disturb a system that isn't stable and disorder technical others.

Solution: Push Motivation Study

Learning with virtual communication methods in the cottage boarding school is difficult to carry out effectively. Students, as well as many teachers' limitations and disturbances, cause Theory lessons online not easy for understood by students. Limited time and some Students or teachers feel learning this virtual communication is limited by time. During the learning process of teaching with the method of virtual communication during the Covid-19 pandemic, various parents motivate their sons so they can follow the learning process online. Likewise, to avoid feeling learning is boring, they need encouragement from teachers and parents so that they permanently focus demand science in the middle plague. One example of motivation that comes from an outside self-child is parents. It could be understandable during the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process through virtual communication is an alternative, whereas the situation of plague that caused or required a man to keep his distance and avoid crowd mass, including studying at a cottage boarding school.


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