SDGS-Based Community Empowerment on Gili Asahan Island, Lombok



Community empowerment is an effort to build the community so that they have initiative or awareness in carrying out social activities to improve the situation and conditions of an area. This is included in efforts to achieve sustainable development goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a global agenda that contains 17 goals and 169 development targets that must be achieved before 2030. Through small movements, students who play a role in sustainable development efforts are endeavored to be able to make an area better with several work programs through community empowerment that focuses on education. , health, environment, tourism, and economy.

In Gili Asahan, Lombok, and West Nusa Tenggara, there is a community life that is included in the category of 3T areas (Disadvantaged, Frontier, and Outermost). Gili Asahan is a small island located in Batu Putih Village, Sekotong District, West Lombok. This island has a beauty that spoils the eye, starting from beaches, forests, and hills, to culinary delights that spoil the tongue. But it's a shame, this beautiful island is still very far behind, so there need to be roles from Indonesian youth, to break the spirit of the children of Gili Asahan, especially regarding the importance of education. Because education is the main key to achieving social welfare.

Community empowerment in Gili Asahan, Lombok, and West Nusa Tenggara was organized by Student Action (A non-Governmental Organization) which was attended by 50 delegates or youth from various regions in Indonesia. One of the Student Action delegates was Anggia Rita Andriana, a student at the Da'wah Faculty of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. This empowerment and community service was carried out in July 2022 and was warmly welcomed by the people of Gili Asahan. The following are several community service work programs that focus on four areas of SDGs in Gili Asahan, Lombok, and West Nusa Tenggara:

Character Education and Natural Schools

Character is the main point in education. Thus, a person's character must be formed first to want to learn, after that we provide education such as Mathematics, Science, and so on.

In Gili Asahan, Lombok, and West Nusa Tenggara, the children's enthusiasm for learning is extraordinary, but it is a pity that the educational facilities are still very low. 25 elementary school students are using two simple classrooms. Furthermore, for high school, children in Gili Asahan have to cross the island every day. In addition, some children usually stay at the pesantren to continue their education. All delegations or volunteers who took part in serving on Gili Asahan provided some education such as Fun Go Green, English For Fun, One Stop Fun Reading, Mari Koran, Talk Parenting, and Sharing related to the importance of education.

Free Health Examination and Consultation

Low access to health services in Gili Asahan, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is one of the targets of voluntary student action to minimize this and provide understanding to the public regarding health, such as education on stunting and its prevention, education on food belief and MPASI education. The enthusiasm of the people of Gili Asahan is extraordinary to take part in free health services. The great enthusiasm of the residents made all the volunteers even more enthusiastic about the success of the work program.

Development of Creative Economy and Tourism

The beauty of Gili Asahan is of course no doubt. Even though Gili Asahan is not as favorite as Gili Trawangan, many things will make Gili Asahan more developed. One of them is of course terms tourism. The beauty of this island always attracts the attention of tourists for tours. The presence of domestic and foreign tourists vacationing in Gili Asahan attracted volunteers' ideas to realize work programs in economic development such as crackers, making coffee, and making shredded cobs accompanied by the brand "Gili Asahan" which indicates that the crackers are souvenirs from Gili Asahan. This is done to improve the community's economy through the MSMEs of the Gili Asahan community.

The people of Gili Asahan are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic with the Student Action Team in trying to improve the economy. The people of Gili Asahan, who used to work as fishermen every day, should be able to use their catch to be processed and sold outside the island or even used as typical Gili Asahan souvenirs. However, over time, the catch of fish obtained by fishermen is not as expected. Seasonal fish make fishermen's income erratic. This is a big reason for fishermen to switch jobs in villages owned by foreigners. Indonesia is not truly independent. On small islands like this, it is evident that the Indonesian people are not yet masters of their land. The community even works with foreigners who have bought most of the land on the island, so that the Indonesian people (Gili Asahan) cannot build their villas due to a lack of land. It's a shame, if the people of Gili Asahan had extensive knowledge regarding land management and tourism, maybe this would not have happened. This is where it is evident how the importance of education is played.

Currently, the people of Gili Asahan prefer to work with foreigners, such as working in villas, guarding investors' boat parking, and developing MSMEs in Gili. The people of Gili Asahan will also continue the development of MSMEs by selling crackers, floss, and coffee which have been jointly designed by the Student Action TIM to be made into Gili Asahan souvenir products. The community will also try to make the business sustainable.

Nature Conservation and Tourism Exploration

The beauty of Gili Asahan that attracts the attention of visitors must be kept clean so that they remain comfortable. For this reason, volunteer student action makes Sapta Pesona, the aim is to increase awareness and a sense of responsibility for the community and visitors. Sapta Pesona is one of the work programs of the environmental division, the volunteers also conduct socialization and strengthening training regarding waste banks, this is done to educate children so that the Gili Asahan environment remains clean and comfortable.

After all work programs were realized, several delegates managed to walk around Gili Asahan. Gratitude and joy are happiness for delegates or volunteers to be able to set foot on this beautiful island. A beautiful island without electricity, a simple life, and able to reassure the souls of visitors so they want to stay and settle in the dyke. The efforts of volunteers (volunteers) in realizing the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals are a small step toward a better Indonesia. As a young generation that has potential, their bodies are still fit, their minds are still fresh, ideas are still glowing, and their enthusiasm is still for learning. grip. Students must be literate about the current condition of Indonesia. It is very unfortunate if young people are only busy spending time scrolling through social media. Community service and empowerment activities carried out by Student Action, this is one of the right steps in realizing youth ideas for a better and more sustainable Indonesia.

The Community Empowerment Program was able to open the minds of the delegates to be more aware and more enthusiastic about continuing to contribute to the country. Getting to know Indonesia more deeply, exploring remote villages and islands that are still sad about educational facilities, and the need for encouragement from the younger generation to create a more qualified and intelligent generation.

After the community empowerment program was completed, the Student Action Team also visited several tourist attractions in Lombok, such as Sade Village, and Bukit Seger, and witnessed the Enchantment of the Mandalika Circuit. Our journey during the service was very pleasant. Being a volunteer or volunteer is a happy thing, their presence is needed, their role is felt, and their life is full of benefits so that many people around them come close to learning and achieving hope together. Together have an impact on Indonesia, and contribute to efforts to realize sustainable development.

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