Managing Morality through Pondok Pesantren



The moral decline that occurs is clearly illustrated by the decrease in moral development among young people or adolescents. These symptoms are pretty worrying, ranging from honesty, truth, justice, mutual assistance, and compassion have been covered by fraud, oppression, tackling, and harming each other. In addition, there are many fights, slander, cheating, taking other people's rights at will, and other immoral acts.

It means that Muslims need to manage morals in such a way as to suit the demands of the times, significantly neutralizing the occurrence of various kinds of moral deviations, such as brawls, fights, drugs, and promiscuity that infect the younger generation. All must play a role both in parents, the community, and educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, to repair the moral damage in that generation.

One institution with a vision and mission to produce intelligent students in the field of religious knowledge and morals is an Islamic educational institution known as Pondok Pesantren. It is one of the Islamic educational institutions that have a greater responsibility to create children with intelligence in science and good morals. Moreover, education in Pondok Pesantren aims to design and develop Muslim personalities, namely personalities who believe and fear Allah SWT, have a noble character, are independent, accessible, stand in personality, spread religion, or uphold Islam and the glory of Muslims in society.

Moral development, in principle, is essential in human life and can only be done with a religious approach. However, in advanced science and technology and communication facilities, it turns out to be very closely related to responding to challenges to users or students today.

A good and noble character is not born suddenly but requires a very long process through coaching. Either from the family environment, educational institutions, or the community. Without coaching, a good character will not be realized in a person. Therefore, coaching is needed, especially in the current era where there are more challenges and temptations due to advances in science and technology. Good or bad events are easily witnessed through television, the internet, and other information media. Likewise, it is not difficult to find films and books that present immoral scenes.

This fact demands that the development, education, and management of children's morals need to be carried out. Then, how should the concept and organization give birth to a generation with good morals, and what application or actualization and supervision must be carried out? This article will present the process of forming the noble character of the children who live in Pondok Pesantren, especially in the Nurul Jadid Pondok Pesantren.

Creating students in Noble Character

Concept or planning systematically prepares activities to be carried out through the available resources. Planning is an essential process for other management functions. Without planning, other parts cannot run properly. Before determining a program, all administrators first design a strategy that will be used in preparing schedules and is approved by the leadership in shaping students' morality in Pondok Pesantren.

It has a clear goal as a non-formal educational institution, namely by developing religious knowledge so that all santri can later play an active role in society.            It is based on the vision and mission of Pondok Pesantren in general. Pondok Pesantren carries out a program of mandatory activities that all students must follow, both while in the boarding school and maybe when on holiday or outside the boarding school.

The curriculum is part of the implementation of activities to bring students towards improvement in carrying out all activities at Pondok Pesantren and directing themselves to increase awareness of their obligations. So, the existence of a curriculum makes learning more meaningful based on its planning. The higher the quality of an educational institution's learning and education system, it must be supported by facilities and infrastructure.

The implementation of the moral development of students in Pondok Pesantren can be said to have been running optimally. The planning has been neatly arranged in the implementation and has been supervised by the teachers and assisted by the administrators of the santri organization. In supporting the moral development of students in Pondok Pesantren, the moral development program is realized in the form of activities, and then regulations are made that must be obeyed. So the program was made based on deliberation between the leaders of the boarding school and the teachers. Then, after mutual agreement, the program was socialized to students.

The organization is needed to create students with good morals, not only concepts or planning. Organizing, in the view of Islam, is not only a place but how to emphasize a job to be done systematically. Organizing is the overall management activity of grouping each person and determining each person's duties, functions, authorities, and responsibilities in achieving the predetermined goals. Organizing is an act of unifying, integrating, intact, and strong in a group or organization. Pondok Pesantren also usually carries out different tasks but still has one goal, namely so that members or administrators can work well and have a sense of togetherness and responsibility.

The benefits of organizing activities at Pondok Pesantren are certainly a guideline for carrying out actions so that they are following predetermined plans. Moreover, with the organization, it can be used as a standard of implementation. This means that each board's division of tasks and responsibilities can be understood and implemented.

Mobilizing and Supervising Santri's Morals

Mobilization is a managing function that is directly related to humans as implementers. The success of this function is primarily determined by the ability of the leader to move his subordinates. Mobilization is an important part of deciding whether or not the activities of an institution are running or not. Movement is directly related to humans who realize the activity plans that have been made. For activity programs to be carried out, humans are needed to move the implementation of students' moral development activities, which are the shared responsibility of the administrators, teachers, and students.

Leaders of Pondok Pesantren approached the administrators and teachers through motivation and guidance to participate in collaborating in realizing a program of student moral development activities to improve good morals. In addition, administrators and teachers mobilized students to join Pondok Pesantren activities. In implementing the mobilization, the leadership provides motivation, encouragement, and enthusiasm directly, then guidance by holding performance training for administrators and teachers and through direct communication with them.

Meanwhile, supervision in Pondok Pesantren challenged administrators to evaluate students' character. The manager could find mistakes so they can be corrected and give punishments or sanctions, so they don't happen again. Supervision is an effort to monitor the results of programs or activities of Islamic boarding schools that have been implemented can improve their morals or not. So that evaluation and improvement can be carried out.

Planning is a fundamental thing that is important to do in human management in an institution. Because it will determine the results or objectives of each program or activity. Creating students with good morals instills confidence in one person to another by forming relationships so that the management process can be accepted and carried out by all residents of the Pondok Pesantren.

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