Mothers' Understanding of Facebook


Housewives use Facebook as entertainment when they are bored with activities both outside the home and while at home. Consequently, social media makes users addicted to using Facebook. Facebook is not only used by young people, but almost all levels of society, from ordinary people to officials, young and old, children, teenagers, and men, not to mention housewives.

The use of social media Facebook among housewives has become addicting and able to take their attention and time to use it. Facebook is not only for entertainment but also makes it easier for them to listen to da'wah and increase their religious understanding. This is one of the positive impacts of using Facebook, where they can listen to da'wah content anywhere and anytime without having to come to the taklim majlis.

80% of housewives use Facebook to search, and share da'wah content, a means of gathering and getting the latest information related to many things; clothing products, household products, and other necessities. As admitted by one housewife when this research was conducted, "I usually use Facebook to keep in touch with distant relatives, see news that is busy and see contemporary Islamic content, Islamic songs, so I don't get bored when watching it". Meanwhile, two other people use Facebook to disseminate da'wah content on their Facebook accounts, such as sharing data content. But it is very unfortunate if the da'wah content just passes on the homepage without giving effect to its users. Whereas the preachers when delivering da'wah through facebook expect a change in attitude from less good to better for listeners based on the Qur'an and as-Sunnah.

However, it is difficult to say that housewives have a good understanding of operating Facebook. After all, social media such as Facebook can hurt its users. Therefore, to avoid negative effects for housewives who use Facebook, it is necessary to know about mothers' understanding of facebook's media features and how Facebook understands consumer demand so that they can influence each other. The mini research for this article was conducted in Jambi, Sumatra.

 Facebook as a Place for Da'wah

The new media that appears today is social media, which is understood as a medium used to connect users such as Facebook. Social media is media that allows users to interact, communicate, and create virtual social bonds with other people. Facebook is a social network that is very much visited and used by most Indonesian people, including housewives. Facebook is not new for housewives, it can create new lifestyles and habits for housewives, especially Facebook users. Those who have Facebook take advantage of the ease of the media to obtain various information needed. One of the reasons is that housewives do not want to be left behind with their colleagues who are already using Facebook.

Facebook can be used as a challenge as well as an opportunity for the development of da'wah. The moment of the emergence of this media is useful for preachers to expand their da'wah targets and be able to compete in the digital era. Da'wah activities can spread the values of Islamic teachings to all Muslims and change human life in religion. Da'wah is expected to balance life and fill knowledge with the ease of technology available today.

Facebook is a social network that is highly sought after by a group of people who participate in it, one of which is housewives. Facebook is nothing new and a trend for housewives. Facebook can create new lifestyles and habits for housewives, especially Facebook users. Those who have Facebook take advantage of today's technological sophistication because they don't want to be left behind with their colleagues who are already using Facebook.

Nuraeni and Andayani's research mentions several uses of social media as a medium for preaching: as educators, information straighteners, reformers, unifiers, and fighters. The latest Facebook features are offered in the Facebook application, one of which is a story that can be included as a background so that it makes consumers, listeners, or da'wah objects. So that the content of da'wah is not identical to long speaking activities in front of the pulpit which seems to be watching. So da'wah amid technological developments and advances requires adaptation. This means that da'wah is required to be delivered through popular media that are easily accessible to listeners, the public, or mad'u.

Facebook is used in conveying da'wah messages to an unlimited public. Because Facebook is considered more effective for spreading religious symbols to all levels of society. Da'wah can be managed more varied; contains verses of the Qur'an, Hadith of the Prophet SAW, opinions of friends, opinions of scholars, results of scientific research, stories of exemplary experiences, news and events, literary works, and art that are packaged using features on Facebook.

The Experience of Mothers Watching Da'wah on Facebook

The experience of housewives enjoying da'wah content on Facebook is visible and can be seen directly or known through in-depth stories from Facebook users. The psychological impact is something that usually happens in a person, either positive or negative. facebook users can feel the impact of the spread of da'wah content that affects the psychology of housewives, their presence can increase worship for those who read or watch it. One example, who was initially lazy to pray, became more diligent in praying, who did not know at all why it was recommended to the fast sunnah, became aware of the obligation to perform fasting and was encouraged to do it.

So this has a very good impact on the psychological needs of mothers to form a better character. In the view of Islam, a mother is the main control holder in a house, so if the control holder is of good character, then the condition of the house is also good.

Content Da'wah

Da'wah media develops along with technological advances that have become part of people's lives today. Communicators develop da'wah through the media with interesting presentations to facilitate its delivery to the public. Content on social media has a high influence on da'wah content, but sometimes the da'wah content that is shared also causes disappointment among the community which triggers the da'i to strengthen his da'wah content to keep it under control because it refers to the Qur'an and hadith or other rules based on agreement. cleric.

Content is information available through electronic media or products. Da'wah comes from the Arabic language, namely da'wah which means an invitation, da'wah is an activity that invites people to believe and obey Allah by faith, morals, and Islamic law in a conscious and planned manner. Then the content will be disseminated through various media, one of which is Facebook, the advantage of this media is that da'wah activities can be carried out more intensively and wider range. So the use of Facebook as a propaganda medium becomes an alternative in conveying Islamic da'wah messages, because various types of features can be used for delivering da'wah material, such as: visual, audio, audio-visual, and written.

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